
Pressured Hearing

There is a symptom with bipolar that is called Pressured Speech. It happens when a person has an extreme need to share their thoughts, comments, and opinions, often loudly and with peculiar sugues. It usually happens during BP1 mania or hypomania.

The worst part about pressured speech is having to listen to it! The ideas and visions run the gamut from, that would be an interesting thing to pursue to there is no way in this universe that you could pull that off. The many phone calls made are usually loud (unless there is a shame or sneakiness factor involved in which case they are noticeably lower) and to promote an agenda.

Now don’t get me wrong, I fell in love with my man’s ideas and visions. He shares a lot of my eccentric, cockamamie ideas. It’s when the plans are unrealistic or disjointed that I begin to worry about him.

There’s enthusiasm for an idea and then there’s the all the systems go, talk to everyone in your contacts (even past enemies) to run your ideas passed them. That’s when I’m a supporter of curbing the enthusiasm.

Luckily, he has begun to run ideas passed me to see if they pass the smell test. Ultimately, he knows what’s a good idea and what’s not but I feel he is testing himself now. Lots of past years of unmedicated mania would leave anyone questioning their own judgement.

I can’t imagine what it must feel like not being able to control your mind and trust your own ideas.

Boy, do I wish there was a cure.

One Comment

  • Sean Kelly

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts Lisa. As someone who is BP1 myself I recognize and identify with what you are saying. I’ve been stable for about 6 years and haven’t had pressured speech since then, but it can be a nightmare for those who care for bipolar people. What you said about you acting as a smell test for him reminds me of my wife playing that role for me. Calling BS on the really stupid ideas before a manic person shares them with the world is a great service. Of course it isn’t easy. Thanks for writing about this!

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